Friends Of Helmsley Pool - We Need You!

Voluntary and Paid Positions

The pool hopes to open for the 2024 season in late may – we need lifeguards – please email us if you are interested in becoming a lifeguards @Helmsley Open Air Pool please also see the link to RLSS lifeguard courses being run Find a RLSS UK Course

We couldn’t do what we do without volunteers!

We are always happy to welcome more!

Trustees (Voluntary)

This year we are particularly looking for new Trustees who are able to bring some expertise or benefit to our Registered Charity 1184090. This could be help with fundraising for a new pool building, not necessarily knocking on doors for handouts but combing the internet for suitable grants, or funding agencies, dealing with PAYE, the Charity Commission, Annual Charity Returns, the Pensions Regulator and HMRC, plus a whole host of other agencies. Have you dealt with any of the above in your recent past? Could you deal with them again for the Pool? It really is not that complicated and can at times be both interesting and rewarding. If you think you can help, please email us on the address below.


Lifeguards (Paid)

In terms of paid positions, we’re always keen to recruit new lifeguards. Currently we use local students who we train to a recognised standard and who work at the Pool throughout the Summer. Bursaries are available to help with Lifeguard Course costs for which we ask for two years availability. It’s a great start for young people as it gives them, early in their career, a taste of ‘working life’ which some have found invaluable!

If you have a son or daughter who you think might fit the bill as a Lifeguard please ask them to get in touch using the Pool’s email address and we can have chat before deciding to take things further.

Pool Plant Manager (Paid)

We are also looking for a new Pool Plant Operator and when the current Manager goes on to full employment, we will be looking to replace them for the following year. If any of these opportunities interest you, please get in touch.”


Pool Manager 2023 (Paid)

2023 Manager appointed. Can we interest you in 2024?


Seasonal Volunteering

Here are some of the areas that we need help

  • Cake Baking. Can you bake a cake? Lidos across the country get much needed revenue from the sale of teas & cakes.
  • Car Parking (Overflow) Pointing drivers at busy times to the overflow car park if needed.
  • Reception Checking visitors’ tickets
  • Changing Room Upkeep keeping the public areas tidy
  • Sale of Refreshments Tea, coffee, sweets, snacks, cold drinks ice creams etc
  • Aquathlon Marshall
    For the first 3 Tuesdays in August, we run our ‘Swim & Run’ race series. We always need plenty of help marshalling the run route and counting the swimmers’ lengths. Volunteer and a child / friend can race for free!
  • Volunteer Lifeguards
    Our staff are mainly University Students returning home for the summer holidays to work at the pool. This is one of the reasons we must close at the beginning of September as they prepare to return to their studies. The weather in Helmsley is usually very good in September and we have lots of visitors. We would like to extend our opening into September so let us know if you would like to be a volunteer lifeguard and we will run a training course at the pool at the beginning of the season.
  • Event Ideas Got an idea for an event? Events are a great way of introducing people to the pool and for generating funds, so whether it’s aqua tai chi to water volleyball or a fundraiser let’s do it.
  • Securing Funding Whilst the pool is sustainable in terms of day to day costs  we need to secure some grants to help us with the major projects. Any ideas.

If any of these opportunities interest you, please get in touch via the form below for an informal chat.


Helmsley Open Air Swimming Pool Refurbishment

Phase 1 (Completed)

The refurbishment of Helmsley Pool to celebrate its 50 Birthday in 2019 was partially funded by the European Agricultural for Rural Development LEADER Project, the North York Moors National Park, Ryedale District Council and Helmsley Town Council.
It enabled the re-rendering the Pool tank, re-tiling the Pool, fencing the Pool compound and re-turfing the grassed areas. It also contributed to the plant and filtration units.


Phase 2

For the next phase of the work the changing rooms, domestic offices, and toilets we are currently accepting donations. If the Pool can acquire the funding, donations, grants, sales etc it is hoped to carry out the work in the winter of 2023-2024.


Phase 3

This will entail the refurbishment of the Plant and Filtrations units/rooms. This will be the final phase of the work and is expected to take place in 2024/2025.
Support, financial and otherwise is always gratefully received. You can make a donation on line here. Please tick the box for ‘Gift Aid’ if applicable. Thank You.

HMRC Ref No. 061000060747

Donate to Helmsley Open Air Swimming Pool